Food, Inc. 2
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DetailRobert Kenner and Melissa Robledo team up with authors Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser to examine the modern food industry's efficiency and vulnerabilities.
Customer Reviews
Want to feel like you've been had? Watch this documentary and know that you're being jacked every time you put food into your mouth! Find out the dirty secrets that large food conglomerates have spent millions of dollars to hide from you! Where your food comes from and how greed has taken over the process of how we prepare food in this country! This documentary covers the whole gamut from seed to packaged product in your store. This is not an animal right to life film. This is fundamental knowledge that every American should know about. Where does your food come from and are the people who process your food looking out for your best interests or their own. The truth is shocking! This film will change your mind about who you should do business with the next time you purchase your food. This film should win an Oscar! Every American needs to watch this and tell their friends to do the same.
It's appalling how far reaching Corporate practices and corruption control our daily lives, mostly unknowingly. I think this should be viewed on a National scale so a revolution is my faster, but I realize the powers that be would do much to prevent such a radical viewing stage when it exposes how backwards so many of our overseen systems are operating under these days.We've been moved to eat grass fed beef and organic chicken and eggs, and looking into a local co-op. I already have been making many things at home to avoid all of those corn based ingredients (it's hard enough to avoid HFCS and sugar!), this just puts us on a faster track to being even more decisive in what products we buy. It's bad enough to think about all of the prescription pills in our water supply that's not removed, we don't need to contribute more chemicals and pesticides to that as well.
I saw bit of this documentary on the Oprah show and was fascinated. As soon as it was delivered to my home, I watched it. How amazing what goes on that we hear nothing about. There are a few parts that are somewhat disgusting...but the truth needs to be told. Farmers can't even be farmers anymore. They are so regulated by big corporations. The widespread uses of antibiotics sure explains the current rise in infections that cannot be cured with ordinary antibiotics. I have watched the movie 3 times now, and am still learning more each time. If anyone wants to learn more about our food sources, and what goes on behind the scenes...this movie is a must. I hope it takes home the Oscar. Fast Food Nation and The Omnivore's Dilemna are also two good books that deal with the same subject matter.NO MORE FAST FOOD FOR ME!
I've always ate natural organic whole foods from my local organic co-op and would occasionally stop in regular grocery stores but after watching Food Inc I can say with 100% certainty that I will never step foot in another standard grocery store again. Consumers need to know what these big multinational companies are doing to their food. In my personal opinion I wouldn't even call it food, but rather a concoction of chemicals & pesticides. It's no wonder this country has an excess of obese and sick people. As Natural Notes states:The push for genetically modified foods comes from boardrooms, stockholders and investment bankers- those who are about as divorced from the real scientific issues and social implications as possible. Aldo Leopold stated back in 1948 and which is even more accurate today "our bigger and better society is now like a hypochondriac, so obsessed with it's own economic health as to have lost the capacity to remain healthy.
You, as a consumer of the food that is sold in the U.S.A. has the right to know the truth. The truth is in this film, and it is an ugly truth. Americans have been tricked, backstabbed, lied to, and poisoned by the very people we have elected into our government. Inhumane treatment of our livestock and inhumane treatment of our peoples. We think we have no choice but too fall victim to their control of our diets and our health, but we do have a choice and the power to change it. The more Americans who watch this film the better. Even young teens should know the truth, they are the future, the more people that know the truth, the more power we have as citizens. Knowledge is power. Don't let the food indistry dictate how and what you eat. We are the consumers, we can change it. Know the truth. Watch this documentary. Share it with everyone you know. It is THAT important.
Now maybe it's time to talk about the solutions. It's not generally very nice to kick something when it's down, but when the troll in the room is so large then yes indeed start kicking
This is a very well done documentary. I would recommend it for everyone! It is eye opening to see where our food in this country comes from and I have changed my buying habits as a result. Not just for the cruel way the animals we eat are treated but for the health aspects. Who wants to eat meat full of stress hormones like cortisol and full of steroids and antibiotics??? Not me and definitely not my kids!They also have a very nice piece about a farmer in the midwest who is farming the old fashioned way. Animals are treated humanely and slaughtered humanely. I showed my 4 year old this piece of the video after he spent time with his dad's vegetarian gf and didn't want to eat chicken. After seeing it and explaining how it works to him he's had no issues. Overall a great film!
I will recommend this to everyone I can, to watch this ,parts of it made me sick to watch and heartbreaking ,I had to forward thru those parts. The evil of greed .
This dvd opened my eyes to a lot of practices in the food industry such as the possibility of having up 1,000 different cows in a single hamburger patty. I quickly stopped letting my child eat certain foods after seeing what the mother on this film went through. It helped me make better decisions about food quality and I plan to watch it every now and then to remind me of why I don't eat certain food anymore. I would have given it 5 stars if it were a little faster in its delivery and they probably could've gotten a lot more intense footage if they let people and locations remain confidential. That way we might have been able to go inside chicken houses, etc and people not get let out of their contracts as a result. Overall, great film!
Late in the table coming to this film but as an organic eater and grower, I felt I needed to see it. It was horrifying to see how much control lies in so few hands of our food supply. Particularly appalling is that Monsanto make criminals out of innocent people who choose to grow their own seeds (and presumably organic farmers too).Easy to see how the poor are disadvantaged in this situation. With the food supply being so grotesquely altered, and then subsidised, is it any wonder that illnesses like diabetes are going through the roof.A wholesome reminder on a personal level to adhere to a healthy, organic (when one can afford it) diet, and to always take a sceptical view of the authorities.Wholly endorse the sentiments at the end and would encourage everyone to take responsibility for what they put in their mouths, demand organic and demand that the government, the FDA and the multinationals like Monsanto GET OUT OF OUR KITCHEN.