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  • Gladiator II
  • Gladiator II
  • Gladiator II
  • Gladiator II
  • Gladiator II

Gladiator II

SKU: oo200

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  • Detail
    After his home is conquered by the tyrannical emperors who now lead Rome, Lucius is forced to enter the Colosseum and must look to his past to find strength to return the glory of Rome to its people.

  • Customer Reviews

    It is a masterpeice


    First, it doesn't come close to the original. However, I'm happy it was good enough that it won't ruin the legacy of the original.The badThe CGI animals were not great. The worst were the baboons. They were flat out ridiculous and embarrassing. The sharks were pretty bad too. I actually enjoyed the rhino quite a bit.The OKPaul Mescal as the lead. He was fine but a noticably huge difference from Russell Crowe. Just not enough charisma and emotion.The GreatDenzel. Incredible performance. Hopefully he gets nominated for a best supporting actor Oscar. I also love how the movie doesn't give away too early how good or evil he truly is. You're not really sure until close to the end.Overall, it was an entertaining, worthy sequel. It's just not nearly as brilliant as the original Gladiator. I'll also be very interested in a potential director's cut.


    About the only historical fact was that it took place in Rome and about it's emperors. Nevertheless, we enjoyed it very much. Don't see why the hate. We saw it on IMAX and it was amazing. Will buy it when it streams and will buy the 4K blu-ray. Great combat scenes, great at showing the every day Roman way of life, etc. Remember, just leave your historically trained mind outside before you watch this and you will enjoy it.


    The writing isn’t great but I thoroughly enjoyed the acting and visuals. Am looking forward to owning the 4K version. If this budget, set design and cast had been paired with a more original script this could have been truly epic. But I still quite liked it as is.


    Gladiator II, the sequel to Ridley Scott’s 2000 film Gladiator, is set in the year 211, when two emperors briefly ruled together. The story is fictional, although it does reference some actual events. A North African military officer is taken prisoner after a Roman conquest. He distinguishes himself in gladiatorial combat, but finds he is being used as a pawn in a power play, and discovers he has unexpected ties to the imperial family. As with all Ridley Scott’s films, the visuals are impressive, bringing Ancient Rome to life, while the plot is intriguing and holds interest despite the long running time. Despite the historical inaccuracies, the film is well worth watching. To set the historical record straight: The joint rule ended when Caracalla assassinated Geta. He ruled with an iron fist until being assassinated by one of his soldiers in 217. Macrinus, then a praetorian prefect, made himself emperor but was overthrown and assassinated in 218.


    Such a good movie. I can't wait to get the 4K Steelbook and watch Gladiator 1 and 2.


    This is a masterpiece. Definitely worth a watch


    Loved the movie, but I will wait for the Directors cut. So, I can see Ridley Scotts full vision of the movie. Which I read was 3 hrs. run time. Not the cut down theatre version.


    Everything was outstanding.