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  • Swiss Army Man
  • Swiss Army Man
  • Swiss Army Man

Swiss Army Man

SKU: oo122

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  • Detail
    A hopeless man stranded on a deserted island befriends a dead body, and together they go on a surreal journey to get home.

  • Customer Reviews

    When this movie premiered in the theater, I had no desire to see it, as I thought the movie would just be a bunch of low-brow humor. Then, I saw a very positive review on youtube, with the reviewer saying it's actually a very deep, well-thought out flick about one's lack of self-confidence. So, I watched it on Netflix and agreed 100%. I loved it so much I bought the blu-ray.


    This movie is positively ripe with memorable quotes, breathtaking music, and gorgeous cinematography. I'd highly recommend this to any openminded friends I have! This movie is layered with metaphors, motifs, and symbols surrounding the themes of social isolation, the romanticism of strangers, and the way society shames and hides some of the most human things.Every time I've watched this movie, I've noticed more details I had missed the time before. This movie is incredibly genuine and heartfelt, and the relationship and chemistry between Radcliffe and Dano is better than most chickflicks and romances in big budget movies!Definitely worth watching!


    One of the best things I've seen in a while. It was funny, beautiful, sarcastic, and thought provoking. It went below below the surface addressing thoughts, concerns, questions, and fears we all have in life. Though the main characters mother past away, he was estranged from his father, and the girl he loves did not love him back, a dead body was still able to show him that his life is worth living. Great great great movie, but again not everyone may "get it" so to say.Not to mention the guys in Manchester Orchestra killed the score.


    Easily one of my new favorite movies of all time. It resonates a pulp fiction-esque charm to it through it's incredibly creative and original writing without overcomplicating the story. Watching the movie is like slowly peeling off the layers of Hank's character to which the audience can make their own conclusions about. Judging by the few reviews I saw of the movie prior to watching it, I'm surprised to see how different my viewing experience was in comparison to everyone else. This is a highly underrated film and I hope to see more content as refreshingly new as this one.


    There is no way to properly describe this movie, it's unlike anything you've ever seen. The beginning and ending of the movie are fantastic in an absurdly unique kind of way. The middle drags a little bit, but Dano and Radcliffe fully commit to their odd characters and give very memorable performances. The soundtrack is also fantastic, including a lot of homespun melodies hummed by Dano and Radcliffe, and the Jurassic Park theme.


    The first and last 20 minutes of this movie are horrible, which is really sad because the majority of it is playful and special and different. If you like weird, I would still recommend it. The acting is great. It's the kind of movie that makes you think about your life and what's important. I just think it could have been set up and ended differently and still kept the tone and the meaning that was intended.


    This movie is not for everyone. What some people will love about this movie will be the same reason why other people will hate it. I don't see this as a movie where many people will be in the middle. It is a movie that caught me off guard as I am sure it will for many others. It felt refreshing for me to watch a movie where I was not sure where things will go. I found this movie charming and quirky. If you are able to watch the whole movie even if you hated it I think all can agree that this movie was original and not trying to copy anyone else.


    I'm still wrapping my head around this film, but I'd like to say that whatever this movie does, it does it extremely well. Beautiful cinematography, very purposeful (deep and humorous, often simultaneously) script, great acting on all fronts, and an extremely novel and compelling concept. It reminds me a lot of Moonrise Kingdom, but is more dark and contemplative (and farty). The final scenes are somehow more surreal than the first 90+% of the film, and I kind of liked that it toppled all my expectations. Anyway, it's definitely worth a shot-- especially if you like off-kilter (almost said "weird"), clever movies.Might want to skip watching this one with a meal!


    Now this is a weird twisted "Harold and Maude" type dark movie. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to watch the whole thing because it does start out pretty slow and then BAM the humor is dark, and really twisted and sometimes uncomfortable, but I am glad I rented it. Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe were pretty good and not their typical tyoe casted actors. You will either like this or hate it. I liked it. Brings the word stalker to a whole other dimension.


    surprisingly deep absurdist movie with some really stupid but blunt ways to say some deeper metaphors and meanings, much like your bowel tract.i hate this but its also greatdon't fart on children?