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  • Gravity
  • Gravity


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  • Detail
    Dr Ryan Stone, an engineer on her first space mission, and Matt Kowalski, an astronaut on his final expedition, have to survive in space after they are hit by debris while spacewalking.

  • Customer Reviews

    This is another reality check into the world of modern space exploration. It is a " Disaster Film" of Epic Proportion. And though it borders on Science Fiction, it points out the fact that " Space is full of man-made junk ". This Junk is as small as a nut and bolt and as large as a bus. And it's all traveling at 2,500 fps. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney turn in "Workman" level performances as two stranded astronauts. And are only upstaged by the setting, special effects and computer generated " eye-candy ". And speaking of eye-candy, Sandra pays homage to Sigourney Weaver, who bye the way, has spent more time in space then most real " star voyager ".And, She caps the scene with a weightless stroll through the ISS in her underwear. Her utterance of the famous line " This is the sole survivor of the space ship ...." sent a slit chill down my spine, Anyway, this film is well worth the price of admission, a box of popcorn and a coke.


    How do you make a full-length feature film about astronauts stranded in space after a speeding debris field of shattered satellites destroys their shuttle craft? You will have to see Gravity to find out. This film is destined to be a classic. The eye becomes fixed on the incredible cinematography, not to mention the first 10 minutes of the film being a single, uncut scene - a scene comprised entirely of special effects, since it was not actually filmed in space (hard to believe when you're watching it). Besides the film being a visual vortex that keeps the viewer in a state of almost constant anxiety, its audio effects are nearly as powerful. Blending anticipated sounds with the absolute silence of space is a stunning effect in itself. Most critics seemed to think the film's one weakness was a lack of story, but I disagree. The story is as subtle and profound as the effects are mystifying and breath-taking. Sandra Bullock is phenomenal, especially when you consider that she had to make a credible, multi-dimensional character in near isolation and in the midst of a web of technical equipment that creates the illusion of a setting in space. If you are up for a heart-pounding, spirit-enriching, eerie, exhausting experience, Gravity is a must-see work of artistic genius.


    While it is science-fiction, this movie is much more realistic than most Sci-Fi's. As an aerospace engineer, I appreciated the attention to detail in regards to the physics (please don't take this as it is boring, physics includes crashing and explosions, I'm just saying that it isn't the typical Hollywood Sci-Fi that has glaring moments of impossibility). As some stated, there isn't a ton of time dedicated to developing the characters, but this isn't that kind of drama movie. By not spoon-feeding you the character back-story, you can more easily picture yourself in the situation and become immersed in the story. During the untethered spinning of Sandra Bullock, you can hear her rapid breathing and and see earth rotating around you, the score compliments this well by steadily intensifying the dramatics of the situation.At the same time, there are very artistic moments. I got caught up in the movie and could really imagine being in space, looking down on earth. The visuals are fantastic. Space sometimes seems as something so removed from our lives that its almost unreal. This movie really helped me see earth and earth's life from a different perspective, so much different from the vast emptiness all around us.I enjoyed it and am glad I bought the HD version.


    I liked this movie a lot. The visual effects & sounds are stunning and everything looked very real. The main character finds herself lost in space with broken equipment, trying to find a way to survive. The director portrays a very vivid feeling of being very small in a vast place like space and what it would feel like to be alone, hopeless and afraid. You are continually hoping the hero will get rescued and each time she survies the latest situation, you think all is well and it never is since another obstacle is constant. There is a never-ending pull of emotion on what she will do next.The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars was that her surviving as many hurdles as she did and still making it home safely is unrealistic, but if she had died out in space, it would have been a let down and no one would like the movie as much. And the symbolism of being re-born again from the water at the end was bit much for me. But all in all, Sandra Bullock did an amazing job and it was worth watching.


    Some of the SciFi special effects movies are just that too much special effects, and no acting. Sandra Bullock did some great acting in this movie. Most of the time in space, all you seen was a closeup for her face. Neil deGrasse Tyson picked this movie all apart for not being scientifically accurate. One of his beefs was Bullock's hair in the space station. When I hear that criticism I can only say one thing. Sandra Bullock is known for her long beautiful brunette hair, and she whacked it all off for this movie. For a movie star, and a lady, that had to be quite a sacrifice. I just can't picture the effects of gravity, and Bullocks hair making her look like a punk rocker. My only beef was there was no bathroom scene. After that traumatic scene with Clooney floating and flying around in space. I know the first thing I would be doing when I got inside of that Russian space station. I would be heading straight for the latrine. But hey its Hollywood, and entertainment factor was high on this one. I am just going to say I am glad I am a laymen, and do not have a PHD. That way I leaned back in my seat, and enjoyed the movie. he he !


    No spoilers here - I promise.I don't do a lot of movie reviews but this movie intrigues me. I don't think I am giving anything away when I share that this is basically a movie about two people in space. While there is some breathtaking CGI and other special effects, this is largely a story about people and how they handle the unthinkable and the seemingly insurmountable.Sandra Bullock continues to amaze me. I never thought the girl from Speed and The Net could have matured into the actress who can deliver such strong, character delivered performance as she has in 'The Blindside' and 'Gravity'. She skillfully delivers a performance that makes this movie something more than some sort of epic disaster flick in space and more about the harrowing of a person. Her character is laid bare in this movie; she is not some steely-eyed heroine but a human who realizes that the perils of space are not the greatest threat to her survival.I truly enjoyed this film. It was a rental but I am tempted to add this one to my library.


    I am a fan of Sandra Bullock so that is the biggest reason I got this movie. Most of the reviews were not very good and appear to rate the movie based on surface appearance. This is a much deeper movie and not to be taken on the literal level. for those who just want eye candy, this is NOT you movie.My whole family watched it,(including my 16 yr old son) and we really enjoyed it. We got what it meant, about something drastic happening in one's life that sucks the life right out of them. But then put in a life or death situation, it brings out the strong desire to live again. That process of just wanting to give up, then the last minute burst toward the surface of the circumstance that has you drowning in it.The only symbol that I missed which my husband caught was the embryonic fetal position that Ryan curled up into when she found her way in to the craft which gave her the life giving oxygen she needed. When viewing the special features this was spoken of and then I got it :)If you're a person who enjoys the deeper meaning of things, then this is one for your library.


    I don't even have to think about what rating to give this title: 5 stars all the way. I am a space nut, a science nut, and a physics nut and this movie didn't disappoint me on any of these levels. My expectations where very high going into this movie the first time, but I left completely satisfied. Even after 2nd, 3rd, and 4th viewing in the theater, I found most liberties very forgivable. While they did take a few artistic licenses here and there, they really struck the perfect balance between realism and a movie that is fun to watch.This movie is not for everyone. It takes a bit of work to watch and take in. This isn't an action movie, and a bit more thought is required. If you are physics purist and are going to nit-pick every little thing you might not enjoy it. In my observation, the more realistic a movie is the more people like to criticize its realism. This seems very backwards to me.If you are setting out to turn your mind off for a while and watch a bunch of stuff crash and burn- try a Michael Bay movie. If you want something a bit more thought provoking, and something you can sit an analyze for hours- this is it.


    Two characters represented on screen by two big time Hollywood stars...George Clooney and Sandra Bullock. There are some other characters briefly in the film, but these two are the stars...and the story...and don't be too surprised, but Sandy B. Really carries 85% of the movie. Story of a Space Shuttle mission that involves a disastrous collision with space junk that leaves Bullock alone, running out of oxygen, trying to effect her return to Earth based on training and the brief instructions by senior astronaut Kowalski (Clooney)...spoiler alert...before sacrificing his life to save her. At the Oscar Awards, Ellen DeGeneress made a joke about this demonstrating that: "George would rather die than spend two hours alone with a woman his same age!" See the movie if I haven't spoiled it for you. Photographed and available in 3D, Blueray, and Digital DVD formats, the photography is stellar ( sorry) in depicting space and the Earth...you'll believe you are in space! And for once, the movies got it right...there is no sound in space save the radio messages between characters...no explosions, rending scream of torn metal, just the visual images! Wow! That puts it on my keeper list. Buy it. You'll enjoy it and benefit from the quick delivery and usual efficiency.


    Supposedly this was supposed to make me feel like I was in space, however, the sets looked like it was full of cut-outs and the shots of the astronauts floating in space looked as if they were part of a mobile. True, the shots that were closer up did have an impact as did the fragments of the expoding space satellites and space stations popping into my face made me jump like nothing has lately, just really showed what could and could not be done with the 3D medium. I got pulled into "The Great Gatsby" more than any other 3D film, and was expecting a lot more from this one. The story was good in "Gravity" and the acting was fine, however, I was more taken with "American Hustle" (not a 3D film) with Amy Adams performance a standout as was her wardrobe and the chances she took with her cleavage. This beautiful, usually demure, actress was more of an eye popper than all of "Gravity". Next time you want to shoot something in 3D, remember, use someone who is 3 Dimensional in 2 Dimension.