Pearl Harbor
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DetailA tale of war and romance mixed in with history. The story follows two lifelong friends and a beautiful nurse who are caught up in the horror of an infamous Sunday morning in 1941.
Customer Reviews
CGI and special effects are top notch in this movie. The actors are great and the story is well written.
I know the dialogue can be a little cheesy and the love story a little mushy but I love that they cover the fear, the destruction and the chaos of what must have happened that day. It is important to remember what we have been through and they seemed to stick to the historical facts for the most part. It is just one of those movies I could watch a hundred times and still enjoy it.
This was a movie that represented the American Spirit. The Men and Women that fought in this war were TRUE Americans and showed some of us the way forward.
I've watched this movie 6-8 times since I got it in December. Every time I watch it I pick up something new. It is a fantastic movie & despite the war theme there is very, very little blood shown. When you see people shot there is no "splatter" like you see in other films. It's a historical fact that one of the ship's captain was disemboweled by a bomb blast yet when his character is shown there isn't the first hint of his catastrophic injury. I love this for the historical accuracy & the spectacular CGI. The case was a little flimsy but I can live w/ that.
When I first saw pearl harbor, I was blown away by the big special effects, huge explosions, and no holds bared action. I like this movie. Why, because it is very well made and very well thought out.Now I love movies. I love big fun summer movies. I always admired Micheal Bays attempt to do a big epic action summer movie. That is why I love the Bad Boys movies, The Rock, Armageddon, and Transformers (2007).I simply like the movie because it is trying to portray events leading to the Pearl Harbor attack while trying to a love at the same time. And it works on so many levels. :)Pearl Harbor is really a great movie. I would highly recommend you to buy this movie. It is worth your time.
The best.
My father was at Pearl harbor when it was bombed. That's where he received his first purple heart. It wasn't his last. But he would never talk about the attack. Now I know why.
A well-made movie that reminds us of the "Day of Infamy" -- a day none of us should ever forget.
I really enjoyed the movie especially how the nurses and pilots were so close.
"Pearl Harbor" is simply beautiful, touching and even action-packed. The cimematography is stunning, the soundtrack is haunting, the story line is all about love and war and what it means to be a human being. I think the critics saw another movie! I have never been so shocked by their reviews in comparison to what I saw on the screen! Far and away the best movie of the summer...only "Memento" offering it any competition. All I can say is that this movie must have suffered from some sort of "Titanic" backlash...and that is truly a disservice to this great movie. "Titanic" is great in its own right, but so is "Pearl Harbor."I have visited Pearl Harbor several times...and look forward to the next time I am fortunate enough to visit, as I learned new information about that day...and because of the film, have a deeper sense of the loss and devastation that took place. The film is dignified in its sensitive yet powerful re-enactment of one of the most shattering moments in American history. Don't listen to the reviewers...they were wrong on this one.